Top Entrepreneurial Lessons From History’s Biggest Brands

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Top Entrepreneurial Lessons From History’s Biggest Brands

Entrepreneurial lessons for salespeople

Entrepreneurial lessons come in many shapes and sizes. Sometimes it's the local small business owner, others the polished executive. For sales and marketing professionals it's important to be a constant learner. And there's no better way to learn than from those who've been there and done it. Here are some top entrepreneurial lessons from history's biggest brands

Focus On Hiring

People are your business’s most important asset. Hiring the right team allows for better execution, more ideas, and a healthier culture. Brands require new and fresh ideas to succeed in a competitive industry. With the right team, the impossible becomes clear and possible.  

Minimize Your Risks

When growing a business, taking risks becomes the new normal. You can’t control everything, but you can plan, execute, manage, and measure. 

Don't be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.
- John D Rockefeller
A great offense is the best defense. And having an innovative, growth mindset that keeps you leaps and bounds ahead of the competition is the best way to minimize risk.

Be Adaptable

Although change can feel intimidating, without it your business will stagnate. It’s critical in the business world to think flexibly. 

The art of life lies in a constant readjustment to our surroundings.
- Kakuzo Okakura

This means keeping an eye on consumer needs, observing how current customers are using your products, and always staying informed on competitors and market trends. Adaptability is important whether you are talking about growing your brand, changing your career or professional networking. Stay lose, flexible, and ahead of the game.

Adapt Under Pressure

The ability to remain calm, think logically, and behave correctly under stress is a business superpower. This ability allows for quick decision-making, great time management, optimism and the ability to problem solve efficiently.

Adaptability is the only way to thrive in constantly changing industries. With the right mindset changing environments can be seen as opportunities rather than pitfalls.

For example, let’s say a new Google update is impacting search engine rankings. What should you do? The right thing is to think and learn about the changes that were made and work with your web developer or marketer to capitalize on them rather than sitting on your hands while damage is done to your online brand.

Prioritize Your Customer Experience 

Being memorable is the greatest challenge that every business faces in an increasingly competitive market. How customers interact with your brand can allow your company to leave a legacy left behind or can lead to bankruptcy. When you produce quality products along with memorable experiences, your customer base increases. 

Social media is a great place to practice connecting with your customers in a deep way. The customer experience you can offer on social media can be personalized in a way to make your customers feel seen and taken care of. This level of service creates a degree of loyalty to your brand that will carry you through even difficult times.

Grow On Social Media

Posting interesting and engaging content on social media. If you help educate customers on topics they're interested in they'll relate to your brand on a deeper level.  An important method to grow your brand is to engage with users on all major social media platforms. (Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Twitter, etc). It is a good idea to facilitate a giveaway to a lucky fan, making it easy for your followers to feel seen. When you are an active user on social media, you attract more potential customers that may have never discovered your brand. 

An active profile allows you to better market your business and interacts with a wider variety of new customers. When you prioritize your company’s social media growth, you make it easier for customers to find your business and even advertise your brand on your behalf. Prioritizing your social media presence creates trust in your audience and invites them to learn more about what you have to offer. A strong social media presence is especially important for salespeople. 

Top Entrepreneurial Lessons From History’s Biggest Brands | Conclusion

Achieving major brand growth and success results from taking the right risks at the right time while overcoming challenges and setbacks en route to your definite chief aim. Embody a growth mindset with your team to pave the way for new methods that support constant brand expansion. 

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