Digital Business Card

McKnight International | Popl Success Story

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Traditional paper business cards are less effective at making connections and generating leads than digital business cards. 100 billion business cards are printed annually worldwide. 80% of these paper cards end up in the trash.

McKnight International

McKnight International is a construction management company based in Philadelphia specializing in Project/Program Management, Project Controls, Scheduling, Project Transparency and Analytics, and Project Technology.

A branded image of Shawn Pressley

They work in the Aviation, Transportation, Civil, Commercial, Industrial, and Residential Development industries. The company has relied on paper business cards for networking and lead generation for the last 10 years.

However, paper business cards prevented McKnight from realizing their full potential. They couldn’t efficiently follow up on prospects due to the piles of business cards at their office. Juggling between daily obligations and communicating with new prospects was a challenge. Developing a robust, targeted marketing campaign was also an uphill task.

After three months of using Popl’s digital business card and Popl Teams platform, McKnight secured four industry-specific construction projects worth $100+ million each in four new states.

Learn how Popl Teams helped McKnight International scale up and manage new leads efficiently.

Provided A Smart Way of Collecting Contact Details

The construction industry has undergone major transformations over the years thanks to the many technological advancements. However, most companies still rely on traditional ways of networking and communicating with customers.

McKnight International was no exception and needed help networking and following up on new contacts. Shawn Pressley, the CEO, said,

"We needed to do something different to network. Build a CRM that is more efficient, I got tired of having stacks and stacks of cards. We thought Popl would be the best fit for our business as we start to grow and build our CRM System."

By sharing the card in a dinner event meeting, the company got a referral to work with a construction company in New Hampshire, Connecticut, and Rhode Island.

Popl’s app “Save Contact" feature is designed to help brands expand to new markets. One tap led the company to sign contracts for industry-specific projects in Rhode Island and Connecticut through a referral.

Increased Competitiveness

Competition for clients and visibility online is cutthroat in the construction industry. Companies, especially small and medium companies, need help securing projects and getting a firm footing in the industry. The company struggled to get new clients due to competition and other market dynamics.

Popl Teams helped increase McKnight International's competitiveness by providing an intuitive, modern lead-capture channel. Keep in mind customers tend to gravitate towards tech-savvy brands.

"When you pull out your Popl card, which looks and feels like a credit card, it gets people to talk, ask more inquisitive questions, and research you more. Using the card led to establishing connections and more people researching McKnight as a company. It's driving conversations that we never had before with people."

Today, McKnight International shares its details and captures potential prospect information in two clicks using Popl’s mobile app. This convenience greatly enhances lead-generation efforts and gives the company a marketing advantage/edge, as most competitors still use paper business cards and traditional lead-generating tactics.

Simplifies Lead Capture and Management

Traditional ways of capturing client information and managing leads are cumbersome, tedious, and expensive. These drawbacks hindered McKnight International from effectively using its resources to reach new audiences.

"We still have people with a lot of gray hair in the industry. They still believe in old-fashioned cards. But you can make their life easier by either scanning their business cards or having them scan the Popl QR code and have your Company Information saved to their smartphones instantly. They will love you forever because you just made their life easier."

Popl Teams simplified lead capture and management for McKnight International by making it easy for them to exchange contact information with potential contacts at events by scanning the QR code. You can scan client business cards using the phone app and instantly upload the information to your CRM.

All the information collected is organized and uploaded to their CRM database automatically. Saving hours of data entry. Now, the company does target outreach and laser-focused marketing campaigns. They know who to follow up with, what to follow up with, and time their follow-ups to days instead of weeks later.

Expanded Into New Markets

Before embracing Popl Teams, distance and other logistic constraints limited McKnight International's market reach. Now, they can share their contact information with clients from different locations on the fly.

The Popl smartphone interface allows teams to share their profiles with two taps when interacting with different clients. McKnight employees can now share their contact details and information about McKnight International with two taps.

"Two taps put me in four new states: New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Connecticut, and Massachusetts. Projects I would have never considered being placed on. All came from two taps.”

Concisely, Popl Teams helped the company secure four long-term contracts worth $100 million each. In another networking event, two taps led to the company partnering with another construction company on another project in New Hampshire to collaborate on a $56 million project.

The Take  Away

McKnight International found a new efficient, reliable, and cost-effective way of managing their lead-generating efforts by leveraging Popl Teams. It helped them transition from the old handshake way of connecting with prospects to tapping, scanning prospect business cards, and following up through targeted outreach and marketing.

The possibilities are limitless for this construction management company thanks to Popl Teams. Any business can use Popl Teams to get ahead of the competition and expand its clientele base. Contact us today for more details.

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