
How to Land a Job or Gig Through Networking Events

A lady working on a laptop and making a call

In a world where relationships are valuable assets, networking functions act as gateways to unlock potential and opportunities. Whether you're looking for exciting freelancing employment or your ideal position, strategic networking might be your hidden asset.

a lady working on a laptop and making a call

Below are ten guidelines that can help you effectively navigate networking events in order to improve your chances of getting that dream job or gig. 

1. Utilize Digital Business Cards 

Sharing a digital business card at networking events is a convenient and contemporary method of exchanging contact details. There are various benefits to using these electronic cards instead of conventional paper ones.

  1. Instantaneous Exchange:
  • Eliminate the need for physical cards by sharing your digital card instantaneously via email or mobile apps.
  •   This makes the exchange of contact information quick and easy.
  1. Effect on the Environment:
  • Because they use less paper, digital cards help the environment.
  • This is in line with the increased emphasis on environmentally friendly practices in professional contexts.
  1. Content That Changes: Add interactive components to your digital card, such as clickable links to your personal website, LinkedIn profile, or portfolio. This will provide recipients with a thorough understanding of your professional background.
  1. Organizational Ease: Managing and accessing your network contacts is made easier with digital cards, which are simple to store, arrange, and retrieve from smartphones email or mobile apps.

Adopting digital business cards helps create a more effective and long-lasting professional atmosphere while also keeping you in line with modern networking habits.  87% of professionals prefer exchanging contact information digitally. 

2. Set Clear Goals

In the image above, you can see how a flowchart was used to depict the step-by-step process involved in goal setting accurately. Before you attend that networking event you’ve been itching for, this is the kind of chart you want to adhere to. Pick a flowchart maker (there are lots of free ones out there) and draw out the goals you aim to achieve at that event.

Whether it's getting a job interview, learning more about a certain organization, or building your professional network, decide what your goals are and use a chart to carve it out. 

  1. Know your objective: It is important to state your goals for going to the event clearly. Specificity is essential for getting a job interview, learning about the business, and growing your professional network.
  1. Customize your communication: Your interactions are guided by your aim. Customize interactions and relationships to support your stated goal. This targeted strategy increases the significance and effectiveness of your networking endeavors.
  1. Quantifiable results: Set quantifiable goals for your objective so that you may evaluate the effectiveness of your networking efforts and improve your plan for upcoming events.
  1. Flexibility: Continue to be flexible. A well-defined objective is essential, but also keep an open mind to any chance that may present itself during the event. Flexibility improves your capacity to take advantage of unanticipated

Study shows that professionals who have goals are more likely than non-goal-setters to succeed in their careers through networking events.

Tips: Create a vision board or use visualization techniques to picture your goals mentally. This helps solidify your commitment.

3. Get your Elevator Pitch Ready

A lady and a gentleman preparing an elevator pitch in an office

Prior to attending any networking event, prepare a strong elevator presentation that showcases your qualifications, expertise, and unique selling points. 

  1. Brief and Captivating:
  • To keep attention, keep your pitch brief—ideally under 30 seconds.
  • Clearly state your qualifications, experiences, and unique selling points.
  1. Audience-specific:
  • Modify your elevator pitch to fit the networking event's target audience or industry.
  • Customizing your pitch guarantees that it will be relevant and resonate with the audience.
  1. Consistent Practice:
  • Regular practice can help you become more confident and fluent in your elevator pitch.
  • Being comfortable with your pitch enables you to present it easily in various networking settings.
  1. Standout Performances:
  • Highlight significant accomplishments or initiatives that highlight your skills.
  • Particular successes give your pitch more weight and draw in listeners.

The study indicates that in 2021, the average attention span was 8.25 seconds. This emphasizes how crucial it is to have a lift pitch that immediately grabs people's attention. To maximize your chances of getting people’s attention, create your pitch using a pitch deck creator

Whether you’re looking to create a sales deck, an investment deck, or just a regular presentation, an AI deck creator will present your data, story, and narrative aesthetically pleasing, enhancing your engagement and building trust. 

4. Dress for Success

Your choice of clothing greatly impacts your impression at a networking event. It's about presenting yourself in a way that fits the professional environment; it goes beyond style.

  1. Professional Appearance:
  • If you want to look successful, you should dress in a way that complements the formality of the occasion and your line of work.
  • Projecting competence and regard for the situation are communicated through a polished, professional appearance.

Tips: Go for neutral colours like black, navy, and gray, adding pops of colour through accessories.

  1. Alignment of Industry:
  • Take into account the customs around attire in your particular field. Expectations may differ throughout different sectors.
  • When you dress according to industry norms, you look polished and fit right in with professional settings.
  1. Confidence Booster:
  • Confidence-boosting clothes can improve your interactions with others.
  •  You can concentrate on establishing connections with others when you feel good about yourself and your attire.
  1. Initial Thoughts: Research shows that first perceptions are established in a few seconds. Your clothes play a big part in this first impression. Keeping yourself presentable increases the likelihood that you will leave a lasting and favorable impression.

You may project professionalism and come across as someone serious about their job and networking prospects by dressing for success. 

5. Choose Events Wisely 

Choosing events strategically is essential to making the most of your networking endeavors. It entails doing your homework and selecting events that fit your industry and professional objectives.

  1. Pertinence to Objectives: Take into account incidents that are pertinent to your professional goals. Determine whether the event offers chances to make the kinds of contacts or learn the kinds of things you are interested in.
  1. Industry Alignment: Make industry-specific events your top priority if you want to network with other experts in your field. These events frequently provide a more focused setting for deeper conversations.
  1. The Potential for Networking: Quality relationships frequently trump the number of participants; assess an event's networking potential by looking through the guest list.

Tips: Look for events offering structured networking sessions.

  1. Tailored Method: Select events that are appropriate for your particular interests and professional level at this time. Your interactions become more genuine when you attend activities that are in line with your passions.

Selecting events carefully allows you to make the most of your time and energy, which raises the possibility that you will meet people who will help you advance your career and that you will find chances that fit your goals. 

6. Make Use of Social Media Sites

Using social media to its full potential can transform the way you build and maintain your professional network in today's connected society. Sites such as LinkedIn, Twitter, and industry-specific discussion boards can greatly improve your networking approach.

1. LinkedIn

  • Make sure your abilities are highlighted and that your LinkedIn profile is complete.
  • Maintain and fortify your connections with professionals you meet at networking events.
  • Participate in conversations and share pertinent industry insights to show off your knowledge.

2. X (Formerly Twitter) 

  • To keep up with trends, follow organizations and industry leaders.
  • Before, during, and after events, use hashtags relevant to the event to engage in dialogue and establish connections with participants.
  • Engage in active participation in the online professional community by retweeting and commenting on content.

3. Forums for Industry

  • Participate in pertinent online networks or industry forums.
  • Participate in conversations, ask questions, and share your experiences.
  • Make a name for yourself in the community and draw in professionals who share your values.

You may reach a wider audience online and establish a strong online presence by integrating social media into your networking strategy. 

Tips: Regularly participate in industry-related discussions, comment on posts, and share relevant content to establish your online presence.

7. Participate in Breakout Sessions and Workshops

Attending breakout sessions at networking events is a smart method to present your knowledge, learn from others, and establish connections with influential people in your field. Breakout sessions offer a more personal environment for deep connections.

  1. Intense Engagement: Participate in conversations by offering your thoughts and experiences. Show that you are genuinely interested in the issue by asking insightful questions of the presenters and other attendees.
  1. Opportunities for Networking: Professionals with particular interests are frequently drawn to breakout sessions. Take advantage of this concentrated setting to establish focused contacts with people who have similar objectives or difficulties.
  1. Display Your Expertise: If given the chance, offer to speak or give a little presentation. This establishes you as an expert in your area and helps other participants remember you.

Engaging in active participation in breakout sessions enhances your professional exposure and credibility while broadening your knowledge base. What strategy do you often use for breakout sessions at networking events? 

8. Create a Networking Table

Establishing a Networking Table is a useful tool for maintaining organization and optimizing the results of your networking endeavors. You can make sure you follow up with promptness and strategy by keeping note of important facts about the events you attend using this straightforward table.

Event name


Key contact 

Follow up status

Tech Expo 2023


John Doe, HR Manager

Sent follow-up Email

professional Mixer


Sarah Smith, Marketing 

Pending Follow-Up

Marketing summit


Alex Johnson, CEO


In a table like the one above, you can record the name of the event, the date, the important contacts you made, and the progress of your follow-up. 

By following this strategy, you can be confident that you will remain organized and have a higher chance of converting your networking contacts into possibilities. Currently, how do you monitor the relationships you have on social media?

9. Quickly Follow Up

Two professionals shaking hands after a follow-up meeting

Following up strategically and quickly is essential to maintaining the relationships you built at networking events. Send individualized follow-up emails within 48 hours to thank the other person, bring up certain conversations, and indicate your interest in continuing the conversation or working together.

  1. Timeliness Is Important:
  • Sending a follow-up email helps to solidify the impression you created at the function.
  • It shows that you are a professional and that you want to keep in touch.
  1. Individualization
  • To personalize your follow-up, mention particular topics that were covered during the networking event.
  • To strengthen the bond, bring up common interests or prospective areas of cooperation.
  1. Show Your Appreciation:
  • Start your email by thanking the other person for the insightful discussion.
  • Reiterate your excitement about the relationship and declare that you're willing to work together in the future.

By acting swiftly after the event, you may take advantage of the momentum and raise the possibility that these early exchanges will develop into fruitful professional connections. What is your usual protocol for following up on networking events?

10. Social Networking Sites Online

One of the most important steps in growing your professional network is to create an online presence on social networking sites. 61.4% of the global population (source)  is active on one or more social media platforms. Sites such as LinkedIn offer a vibrant environment in which you may interact with professionals in the field, exchange knowledge, and look into prospects.

picture showing different social media websites

Sometimes, it’s not easy to build an audience without any external help, it’s advisable to land a hand with a social media expert who can help you set up and run your profiles to build a strong network for long-term returns.

Think about putting together a personal website or online portfolio to display your successes, work, and projects on social media. You can easily create and post testimonial videos of your work to display on social media using a video editor. To edit those videos and provide links to your social media accounts to create a consistent and all-encompassing online presence.

By creating social media profiles, you put yourself in a position to connect with a large professional network and create chances for cooperation, knowledge sharing, and career advancement. 


AtTending networking events is a great way to advance your career. You may turn random meetings into fruitful professional partnerships by planning, participating enthusiastically, and strategically following up. Never forget that networking is a continual activity. Thus, to stay ahead in your job, keep improving your approach.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I network to find a job?

Setting objectives, maximizing your online presence, and participating in industry events.

  • How do I participate in networking events?
  • Effectively participate in networking events by setting clear goals, preparing an engaging elevator pitch, actively engaging in discussions, utilizing business or digital cards, and following up promptly to build meaningful connections and professional opportunities.

  • How do I market myself at a networking event?
  • Market yourself at a networking event by delivering a concise and compelling pitch, showcasing your expertise, and exchanging contact information to leave a memorable and impactful impression. 

    Start the journey to your dream job by creating a free digital business card today. Here is a guide on how to create a digital business card

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